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Our Affiliation

Welcome to FPC! We are glad you are interested in connecting with our community.

Welcome to Worship

Worship is at 10am each Sunday.
Authentic, musical, heartfelt and relevant to your life.

Come As You Are

All are welcome here, no matter where you are in your life or faith.
We acknowledge that we are all in need of God’s grace. We also proclaim that we are all beloved children of God.

We Are All Children of God

We worship intergenerationally, children are always welcome.
There are activities for children in our Pray Ground and opportunities for children to lead.

Grow With Us

Explore the many opportunities to share your talents, grow in faith, serve our community, and expand your horizons and understanding of God’s Word.

Break Bread With Us

Our gathering continues with fellowship after worship.
Please stay and enjoy a treat, something to drink, and good fellowship. You will be very welcome here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our worship service is a blend of traditional and contemporary. We are committed to the traditional worship service rooted in our Reformed heritage. We steadfastly explore how we may provide witness in an ever changing world. Our inspirational music program is frequently enhanced by guest musicians and special music. Prayer, praise, scripture, lesson and reflection provide a rich Christian experience in a bright, open and comfortable sanctuary. Service starts at 10:00 but you will find people visiting and having a cup of coffee starting around 9:30. Service will last about an hour and we would love to have you stay with us to have coffee and a treat after the service has concluded. Please stop at the double doors at the back of the sanctuary to chat with the pastor at the end of worship before you leave. Periodically we will have a lesson or guest speaker in the sanctuary after service.
We are located at 408 N Bergamont Blvd, Oregon, WI 53575[click here for direction]. There will be plenty of parking in front of the church. Come up the sidewalk next to the church sign with the old church bell next to it. Enter through the double doors [this is a handicapped accessible entrance]. The visitor book is on the left and the coat rack is on the right. Don’t be surprised if one or more people greet you when you come in. We don’t wear name tags but we always introduce ourselves. The coffee will be on and there will be a comfortable place to sit and visit with our sunny southern exposure with the wall of windows.
Be comfortable. Many will wear business casual but you will see a variety of attire from jeans to suits. We are really most interested in you and your comfort during service.
All are welcome! No one is assigned to greet you when you walk through the doors. However, we all gladly accept our responsibility to make sure that “all are really welcome”. You will be greeted by several of the members who visit before going into the sanctuary and you will also be greeted with a bulletin, a hymnal and a welcoming smile as you enter the sanctuary. We encourage you to sign the visitor book which is outside the sanctuary next to the second set of double doors as you came in. Please stop at the double doors at the back of the sanctuary to greet the pastor at the end of worship.
We worship intergenerationally. This means that children are welcome throughout the worship service. There is a time specifically for our youth and children following the scripture readings. We also have a Pray Ground with an activity for our elementary aged children during the second part of the service. This activity is always tied to our scripture of the day and intended to help children (and adults who wish to join them) to respond to the scripture. Children and youth are also welcome to participate in worship leadership. Children are welcome to read scripture, lead prayers, sing with the choir (several opportunities through the year), greet people coming in, help collect the offering, and take part in other opportunities as they arise. We hope this will nurture their innate sense of wonder, as they develop a sense of awe and reverence for worship.
Absolutely! Presbyterians welcome all to the Lord’s Table–regardless of your denomination. We earnestly believe that it is the Lord’s table, not ours. Our Savior invites those who trust in him to share in the meal. Our welcome includes all children. We serve grape juice and offer gluten-free bread so that all may truly be welcomed at this table. Communion is served on the First Sunday of each month, as well as on Maundy Thursday.
Ours is a rich tradition of male and female serving as ministers of Word and Sacrament. All may lead in formal roles as ministers, ruling elders and deacons. Ruling elders are elected by the congregation to serve on the Session (the governing board) for three-year terms. Deacons are also elected by the congregation for three years and coordinate caring ministries. Many other roles to make a difference in our community and the world are open to all.

 Get Involved

There are many opportunities to get involved in the life of the church. Joining a group or serving on one of the teams is the best way to make new friends and feel part of the family.

Show Your Support

You can contribute to the life of First Presbyterian Church financially and/or with your time as a volunteer.

Join Our Adult Bible Study

     We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM, April 9th - May 14th.
(Zoom available for folks unable to attend in person)
We will be discussing the Book of James, focusing on the scripture passage used for the sermon on the previous Sunday. 
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