Home / Learn / Youth


Youth are encouraged to remain in worship with their parents, or to sit at the youth picnic table in the back of the sanctuary. There are children's bags available with a number of activities which may be brought to their seats or used at the picnic table. For the very young, there is a nursery down the hallway from the sanctuary for use by parents.


A one-day Vacation Bible School is held each summer, usually in July. Any and all Youth are welcome!


 Get Involved

There are many opportunities to get involved in the life of the church. Joining a group or serving on one of the teams is the best way to make new friends and feel part of the family.

Show Your Support

You can contribute to the life of First Presbyterian Church financially and/or with your time as a volunteer.

Join Our Adult Bible Study

     We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM, April 9th - May 14th.
(Zoom available for folks unable to attend in person)
We will be discussing the Book of James, focusing on the scripture passage used for the sermon on the previous Sunday. 
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