Find out what is happening at First Presbyterian Church in the coming month.
Find out what is happening at First Presbyterian Church in the coming month.
Find out what is happening at First Presbyterian Church in the coming month.
Find out what is happening at First Presbyterian Church in the coming month.
Find out what is happening at First Presbyterian Church in the coming month.
As Oregon continues to grow, First Presbyterian is continuing to follow God’s lead as we show God’s love to our neighbors. We follow the Great Commandment “To love God and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” (Matthew 22: 36-40) Drawing on the deep roots of our history in this community, and our grounding in the Reformed Tradition, we seek to live out the Great Commandment in all that we do. This involves our intergenerational worship, our active fellowship, and our work to share God’s love by identifying needs in our community and creatively and humbly serving others.
Our Worship is the central gathering point from which all our other activities branch out. We gather together every Sunday for intergenerational worship as a whole community. In Worship we hear God’s Word proclaimed through spoken word and music. In Worship we also pray for one another and reflect on where God is calling us to go and what gifts we have to offer. For our youth, and sometimes adults, there are also opportunities for hands-on reflections on God’s Word with art or other projects.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), which is a denomination rooted in the Reformed branch of Protestant Christianity. As part of the PCUSA we are connected to our fellow Presbyterian churches and work and serve together in many areas, including disaster assistance, campus ministries, peace and justice initiatives, and public witness and advocacy. As a congregation, we are proud to be part of the PCUSA Matthew 25 initiative, which calls churches to live into Jesus’ words in Matthew 25: 31-46. We believe in our primary work as people of faith is to care for those who are hungry, thirsty, lonely, imprisoned, or vulnerable in other ways.
Rooted in our Presbtyerian tradition, we believe that scripture is the inspired Word of God, which is best understood and interpreted through communal worship and study. We work together as a community to listen for where the Holy Spirit is present and where we are being called to serve. In our community we pay attention to where there are needs going unmet in our neighbors lives and we work together to find creative solutions that also reflect our scriptural call to “... do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8)
Our work to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God also leads us to welcome all people to our congregation. Regardless of where you are in your journey of faith, or how deeply you feel the need for God’s grace, we seek to be a loving and welcoming community. We encourage our members to serve one another, forming relationships with each other and working together to carry out our service and ministry. Please join us for worship any Sunday at 10am. We welcome you and invite you to join us in serving our community and connecting with one another in our faith.