The Academy of Sound (AOS) is a community music school using our building during the school year. AOS offers piano, voice, guitar, ukulele, drums, violin, viola, cello, saxophone, and preschool music lessons and classes. It includes a store carrying music books, sheet music, guitars, ukuleles, instrument accessories, strings, and much more.
First Presbyterian Church contributes financially and provides volunteers to the Oregon Area Food Pantry and our congregation's Presbyterian Pantry on Wheels (PPOW). Both pantries provide food and supplies to people experiencing food insecurity in our area. At the Oregon Area Pantry, guests come to the pantry to receive groceries. PPOW is a mobile pantry that brings groceries directly to people who may not have transportation or accessibility to use the Oregon Pantry. Both pantries work together to help our community.
First Presbyterian Church serves the Sunday evening meal at Press House a few times a year following the students' afternoon worship service. Pres House is a dynamic campus ministry, an openly LGBTQ+ affirming church led by students, and a unique apartment community in the heart of the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus. Most of all, though, it is a home, a place for people to play, eat, rest, and explore what Jesus Christ has to do with life.
First Presbyterian is also a member of the Oregon Chamber of Commerce