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Session - The Ruling Elders of the Church

As a Presbyterian Church, most decisions for the congregation are made by our Session, or governing council. The Session is responsible for oversight of church programs, facilities, staff, and budget. Each person elected to serve on Session is ordained as a Ruling Elder. Elders serve for a 3-year term, and may serve for two consecutive terms before a required break of at least one year. We currently have nine Elders serving on Session. Each Elder also serves as liaison or chair of a committee of the church.

Elder Committee/Role
Tom Niebauer (not currently an active elder)      Clerk of Session
Judy Belanus   Christian Education
Nancy Sheldon  Connections
Dave Hanson (Session Liaison)Property
John Mehl    Finance
Wendy Goist Jones    Mission
Sue McGuigan Personnel
Nancy Cox and Dave Hanson, co-chairs   Worship  

Board of Deacons

Coming out of Acts, chapter 6, the role of Deacon is to be a servant who particularly pays attention to those in need of care and compassion. Deacons are elected and ordained into this servant leadership in rotating 3-year terms. Each Deacon has a group of members they keep in touch with, remembering them especially in times of celebration and times of need. Our Deacons make special efforts to connect with members, family and friends – near and far!

Sue Mielke
Inez Toepfer
Linda Clark
Pat Arthur
Deb Edgren
Nancy Sheldon, Co-moderator
Sue Niebauer, Co-moderator


 Get Involved

There are many opportunities to get involved in the life of the church. Joining a group or serving on one of the teams is the best way to make new friends and feel part of the family.

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Join Our Adult Bible Study

     We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM, April 9th - May 14th.
(Zoom available for folks unable to attend in person)
We will be discussing the Book of James, focusing on the scripture passage used for the sermon on the previous Sunday. 
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